I have spent the last five years in pursuit of passive income basically ever since I read this book right here now the goal for me has always been to build up seven sources of passive income but I’m not quite there yet what this article will show you is the four sources of passive income that I have built up and the fifth that I’m planning on building up next year but better than that I’m going to explain these in detail in this article I’m going to show you the journey and I’m going to show you how I was able to build up these sources of income the first one is affiliate marketing and I know a lot of people that watch this channel are familiar with what that is all affiliate marketing is at its core is when you partner up with a company and you sell their products and get paid when you do so you're pretty much a glorified salesman but what an affiliate marketer does and the way they do that now is they sign up with a company's affiliate program that company gives them a special link like what you're seeing on the screen and that link is just unique to the affiliate marketer and that means that any sale that results after someone has clicked that affiliate link results in the affiliate marketer getting paid a commission so like
I said you're pretty much just an online salesman for a company unless you do this right and if you do this right then affiliate marketing can result in passive income now there's two ways that you can do this the first way is through using google and I use both of these ways by the way but the first way is using google or YouTube or a search engine so we've all searched for something in google or YouTube right and we've been listed content like what we’re seeing on the screen here and if you look at the dates on this content you can see the person that wrote this blog post didn’t write it today they didn't write it yesterday they typically wrote it last year or even a few years ago now typically inside of these blog posts these people will insert affiliate links so for example if we search for how to clean up cat urine off my carpet you'll see a lot of articles that contain affiliate links to chemicals that can help clean cat urine off of a carpet and they're hoping to make a small commission each time someone searches that in google goes to their blog and then clicks through to the product they're promoting and so if you do this right you can see someone can create content in 2016 or2017and then they can pull out and that content will continue to show up in google for years and years and years
and they'll continue to make income off of that content as long as google shows it to people so that's the first way and the second way is actually in the way you select your affiliate programs and so if you select an affiliate program that has a one-time payment then that customer will come they'll pay the company once the company pays you once and it's over but there are companies like software companies or membership programs where people join you know yearly fees and masterminds and things like that and if the person pays the company every year or every month then the company will often typically pay the affiliate the same way and so if you refer someone to a software company that customer pays them every single month for five years the software company will pay you a cutoff that every single month for five years it's absolutely amazing the second way that I make passive income is through real estate and before you all run and hide and say I don't want to hear about real estate I do real estate a little differently than most people primarily because I’m a business owner and
I don't have time to learn a ton about real estate and I don't have time to you know find all these deals that these people find after searching and searching and searching but what I do have time to do is this I use a company called done for you real estate I’m going to hop on the screen and look here and what I do is I tell them hey I’m ready to buy a house I’m looking for a house that the numbers make sense it cash flows things like that they'll send me what's called a pro forma that looks like this they'll say hey we've found this house typically takes a few weeks and it's got all the numbers on it it's got a down payment a lot of numbers like that here and in the end it tells you hey this is how much we think you can make in cash flow off of this house every single month after we've paid property managers and expenses and everything now the beauty of this is they do all that for you so they find the property managers they get the realtors they get the house they set up the loans they do all of that for you and your only job is pretty much to supply the money for a down payment so
I’ve bought three times from this specific company and every single time the numbers have matched almost perfectly to what they've given me I’ve got nice new single family homes in really good locations in tennes see and Indian at the max work I put into this is every couple months I might have a phone call with a property manager if there's any issues with a ten an to sorry I’m a real estate mogul so yes I have left a link down below to this company done for you real estate that I’m using I can personally vouch for this company having bought multiple uh multiple houses from them and also met and talked with their owners and they’re really good guys that really just want to help people get into this real estate market quick side note the three or four hundred dollars a month in passive income is awesome coming from these properties but even better is the fact that in 30yearsi will completely own each of these properties and it will be well worth over a million dollars and I was able to build up that entire asset passively
I’m basically a millionaire the third way I make money is actually selling digital courses so obviously over the last five years I’ve learned a whole lot of stuff and the way that I market that knowledge is through selling digital courses now I know exactly what's about to happen here I’m going to get all those keyboard warriors down below writing and telling me how I’m a scammer for selling my information online so go ahead keyboard warriors get it all out now all right now that that's over and for those still watching let's talk about how this works so the first day this works is I sell a blog challenge with a partner of mine and we sell a 21 day training to help people set up an affiliate marketing blog we sell it for a hundred dollars and you can see when you go to my blog
I get a lot of traffic to pages on my blog like this so a lot of people google things and they end up in my blog on pages like this now you can see at the top of my blog I’ve got a button that says create a blog they click create a blog and I give them seven days I give them as even day training on how they can create their first blog all they have to do is put in an email address after that I start selling them on this21 day blog challenge I say hey you've taken these steps you've got this blog what if I can show you how to create content and all this other stuff and everything you need to know to really have a successful blog for 100 bucks and those emails go out automatically and they buy so you can see this is a totally passive journey someone googles something they end up at my blog they put in their email they get emailed about the challenge they end up on this page right here we'll slow that on the screen and if they decide to buy the blog challenge then I make 100and the second way that I make money off of digital courses is through selling a much higher end course called affiliate secrets and the third way
I make money is actually happening right now as you’re reading this article hopefully that doesn't bother you but I make money with YouTube ads the advertiser spends that money on YouTube we split it now it's very important that if you’re going to go this route and try to make money from YouTube on ads then you choose the proper niche or the proper category for this so YouTube adds the advertisers in some spaces like health or spaces like wealth which is what I’m in they spend a ton of money per click on each ad that means that as the content creator where their ad shows up I make a ton of money so I make a lot for each click on my channel and so you can see here I’m getting about eighty thousand views about six thousand new subscribers a month and about thirty five hundred dollars every 28 days in revenue from this channel that means I’m making roughly forty to fifty dollars for every thousand people that view my articles now if you were to do this in another category like Legos or something random like that you would find that you'd be making you know two or three dollars instead of40 or 50 dollars for every thousand people that watched your articles so you would need a lot more views for this to make sense
now if you don't think this is passive check out this other channel I have that I created in can see right here I’ve only published four articles since April 8th of 2018 but if you go into the analytics of this channel it's still making about 530every single month off of ads alone now the fourth way I made passive income this year uh wasn't super passive this year but it will hopefully be more passive next year and that was launching a software company or a small software company so what I created and this will be launching in full to a massive amount of people uh this coming year but it's a plug-in that allows people to do stuff in WordPress essentially it's a plug-in for affiliate marketers in WordPress you can see it right here it's called affiliate linker and uh it basically takes all the knowledge over the last three four years and things that I’ve wanted to do inside of my WordPress website and
I’ve created a plugin to do it so the way I did that is go to online jobs which is an outsourcing website where you can outsource in the Philippines and I went through a lot of people I put up a job description went through a lot of people and ended up finding a developer that could they could develop this plug-in for me and develop it in the right way now this is just like anything else right I have this website and this YouTube channel people come in through uh email addresses and then I email them about this plugin and I send them to this page where they can buy access to this plugin no you can't currently buy it right now because we're preparing for another January launch so this will only be passive for you if you can find a full-time really good developer that knows what they're doing and you have to be able to create and hire a support team that can handle the support side of things but once you get both of those in place you've now got the same traffic machine as we're using for digital courses and for affiliate marketing and if your software doesn't suck you'll actually get a ton of money just through people referring other people to it naturally and a little side note
when I say team I’m often just talking about one person I fully admit that my support team is one now let's talk a little bit about this next year what my plans are for making another source of passive income and that's using something called online services arbitrage and the concept behind this is if you’ve been online for any amount of time you know how hard it is to hire people that uh don't suck and don't scam you and having been in this for three or four years I’ve slowly started to find those people okay I’ve managed to find a VA that’s awesome and does work amazing
I managed to find a developer that does really good a copywriter that does a great job so as I find these people when I start to build up my team there's a lot of time where I’ve got this person where I don't have 40 hours a week for that person so I hire someone and then I can actually offer them to other people I can say hey if you're looking I’ve got this awesome developer and you can pay me you know x amount of dollars an hour that's just a little bit more than what I’m paying them and I often I’m this broker I’m a relationship broker okay and so someone says yes that sounds awesome and they pay me and they get access to my team of people that can do a lot of this stuff for them now before we get attacked on this let's look at the win wins here we’ve got these freelancers that are looking for stable work and I’m able to give them stable work we’ve got these online marketers that are struggling they're getting scammed they’re getting people that are charging them a ton of money for terrible work and I’m able to give them really good freelancers that know what they're doing at a reasonable rate that's a win they get to avoid that terrible pain that most of us have to go through of spending years trying to find people that are actually good at their jobs and in fact I would love to hear the horror stories down below because
I’m absolutely certain
you guys are reading this article and they're coming into your head and
horrifying news story it's real most online business owners have lost uh you
know hundreds of dollars at a minimum and tens of thousands of dollars at a
maximum so those are my five we’re going to release the next two next year I’d
love to know down below what are your current passive income sources and what
are you adding to your passive income this next year